About us
Our mission is to ensure CERCA centres develop successfully, promote synergies and strategic cooperation, improve the positioning, visibility and impact of research and facilitate dialogue with public and private agents.
Our mission is to ensure CERCA centres develop successfully, promote synergies and strategic cooperation, improve the positioning, visibility and impact of research and facilitate dialogue with public and private agents.
Strengthening cooperation and scientific exchanges with the best centres and universities in the world, fostering interdisciplinary research, transversal programmes, the mobility of researchers and the recruiting and retaining of talent.
Increasing and facilitating knowledge transfer to the business sector and society, providing support, advice and impetus for the creation of start-ups.
Raising visibility of the research results to promote the involvement and commitment of society.
Facilitating and promoting joint policies in research management, strategic training, gender equality and the development of the CERCA system.
Núria Montserrat Pulido
Minister for Research and Universities
Marta Sanz i Solé
Joan Gómez Pallarès
Director General for Research at the Ministry of Research and Universities
Montserrat Llavayol i Giralt
Deputy Director General for Health and Innovation, representing the Ministry of Health.
Javier Selva Sánchez
Director General for the Transfer and Knowledge Society at the Ministry of Research and Universities.
Maria Galindo García-Delgado
Secretary of Digital Policies at the Ministry of Business and Labour.
Marc Darder Solé
Head of the Technical Office at the Ministry of Territory, Housing and Ecological Transition.
Sandra Ruíz Peralta
Director General for Econony and Digital Society at the Ministry of Business and Labour.
Aleix Cubells Barceló
Director General for European Funds and State Aids at the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
Josep Usall Rodié
Director of the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA), representing the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food.
Josep Samitier Martí
Director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and president of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER).
Francesc Posas i Garriga
Director of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) and member of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER).
Josep Lladós i Canet
Director of the Computer Vision Center (CVC) and member of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER).
Joan Gómez Pallarès
Director General for Research at the Ministry of Research and Universities.
José Lladós i Canet
Director of the Computer Vision Center (CVC) and member of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER)
Josep Samitier Martí
Director of the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) and President of the Catalan Association of Research Centres (ACER)
Laia Pellejà
Director of the Institució dels Centres de Recerca de Catalunya (CERCA Institute)
The CERCA Institute vice president is appointed for four years, which can be renewed for further four-year terms.
According to the statutes, the vice president’s functions are:
a) To exercise the scientific representation of the CERCA Institute in all fields and in national and international scientific forums.
b) To exercise the functions of the presidency of the Scientific Advisory Board
c) To propose initiatives to the Board of Trustees and make recommendations for the promotion of science.
d) Those functions delegated or commissioned by the Board of Trustees, within legal limits, to improve the visibility and scientific promotion of the Generalitat de Catalunya research centres.
The position is currently occupied by mathematician Marta Sanz Solé, professor emeritus at the University of Barcelona..
The actions of the CERCA ombudsperson are aimed at ensuring compliance with the CERCA Code of Conduct, preventing irregularities in the CERCA system and providing young researchers with a framework to generate trust in compliance with rules
Cases may be brought to the ombudsperson regarding disagreements among researchers, conflicts and questions of integrity, scientific malpractice and non-compliance with the CERCA Code of Conduct.
In each CERCA centre, when cases are considered to require further investigation, free of conflict of interest, such cases may be referred to the CERCA ombudsperson, who must act under the principle of neutrality between all parties involved. This includes cases involving centre management or several CERCA centres and also particularly serious cases. However, the CERCA centre’s ombudsperson must first review the case and issue a preliminary report.
The CERCA ombudsperson should refrain from stepping in when other bodies or institutions are already acting on the same issue. They must also avoid acting if the facts are subject to judicial investigation.
Any natural person who works at a CERCA centre, centre managers and third parties who may be involved in a matter related to the activity of a CERCA centre may ask for the ombudsperson to intervene.
Office of the CERCA Ombudsperson: ombudsperson@cerca.cat
The Scientific Advisory Board is made up of 5 to 15 internationally renowned researchers, appointed by the Board of Trustees, representing the three scientific areas of the European Research Council (ERC). Their appointment lasts for four years, after which time they are eligible for re-election for further 4-year periods.
The president of the Scientific Advisory Board is the vice president of the Board of Trustees.
Among their functions are:
The position is currently vacant.
As a way of involving CERCA centres directly in the system’s strategy and the different work initiatives, the CERCA Institute has several working groups made up of the staff responsible for the project in the institute and one or more persons appointed from each centre, usually heads of area.
These working groups evolve according to needs and meet regularly throughout the year. They are responsible for communicating the centres’ needs and proposals and conveying the work proposals and results to the entire organisation they represent.
The CERCA working groups are a key tool in developing joint strategies and opening up research bodies to new proposals.
Along with the working groups, there are two committees (legal and gender) made up of representatives chosen by research areas. The purpose of these committees, which meet at least twice a year, is to propose and monitor joint policies in the centres.
CERCA centres are governed, firstly, by specific regulations on research and those applicable to the legal form adopted by each centre, with regard to all aspects compatible with their regime of full autonomy, and, secondly, by the statutes of each centre, as well as general legislation.
They also enjoy full autonomy in conducting their institutional and statutory activities.
In compliance with Law 19/2014 on transparency, access to public information and good governance, this section contains full information on the CERCA Institute, thereby complying with the principle of transparency and the obligations regarding active publicity arising from this Law.