Pioneer Awards 2022

The awards recognise researchers from a CERCA centre who have just completed a doctoral thesis with clear market-oriented results.

Acte de lliurament dels Premis Pioner 2022

Barcelona, 22 de desembre de 2022,

L’acte, presidit per l’Hble. conseller de recerca i universitas, i president de CERCA, Joaquim Nadal ha reunit a guardonats, familiars i directors de centres.


El jurat ha estat integrat per Nadia Pons, Directora del Health Entrepreneurship Program al Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Barcelona; Núria Martí, directora d’Innovació a Biocat;  Daniel Gonzálvez, Investment & Portfolio Manager del programa The Collider de Mobile World Capital Barcelona; Julià Manzanas, RBDM Southern Europe a AREOPA Group International i President de la Comissió d’Economia del Coneixement i Innovació del Col·legi d’Economistes de Catalunya; i Joan Sansaloni, responsable de la unitat de Propietat Industrial i Intel·lectual d’ACCIÓ.


You can apply if you are a researcher at a CERCA centre and have submitted your thesis with clear market-oriented results in the last year. 


The amount of the prize is EUR 1,000 in cash for each beneficiary. The Pioneer Awards are awarded in conjunction with a number of institutions and companies.


Papers will be assessed by an expert panel consisting of senior researchers from CERCA centres and knowledge transfer specialists. 


You can submit your work from the time of publication of the call for applications (11 October 2022) to 11 November 2022. 

Collaborating organisations


Date of publication: 11 October 2022

Deadline for submission: 11 November 2022

For more information contact or telephone 935 526 733

Pioneer Awards 2014-2021

Exam Dates
Award-winning projects
€ invested
77 proposals submitted by women researchers
49 %
18 prize-winners
48 %