Barcelona Centre for International Affairs

Thinking globally in Barcelona

The Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (IBEI) is an inter-university research institute, founded in 2004, with the involvement of the five public universities in the metropolitan area and the CIDOB Foundation, to promote postgraduate training and research in politics, international relations and development. With the aim of advancing understanding of the global challenges facing the world, the IBEI is a centre of academic excellence that combines outstanding research with quality teaching and opportunities for professional development. Located at the crossroads of Europe, the Mediterranean and Latin America, Barcelona offers a unique setting to reflect on the complexities of global governance, development and security.

Research at the IBEI is cross-cutting and interdisciplinary and organised into theme-based research clusters. Each cluster brings together IBEI faculty members, affiliated teachers, visiting scholars and PhD students to share their expertise on a common theme, providing them with a platform to discuss their work, exchange views and initiate joint research initiatives. The research clusters listed are some of IBEI’s main research areas and indicate the institute’s specific strengths in international studies:

  • Globalisation and Public Policy
  • Standards and Rules in International Politics
  • Institutions, Inequality and Development
  • Security, Conflict and Peace
  • States, Diversity and Collective Identities

IBEI aims to offer excellence in postgraduate training in the field of international studies, integrating various academic disciplines and implementing a balance between theory and practice in its teaching style. Coming from over 40 countries, postgraduate students find IBEI’s enriching multilingual and culturally diverse environment rewarding. Over the years, IBEI graduates have worked for international organisations, NGOs, multinationals, foreign ministries and embassies around the world, and have completed doctoral programmes at prestigious universities.






Social sciences


Conflict, Development, Globalisation, Governance, Inequality, International relations, Migration, Politics, Security

Board of Trustees/Executive Council

Fundació Cercle d’Economia – Fundació Centre d’Estudis i Documentació Internacionals a Barcelona (CIDOB) – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – Universitat Pompeu Fabra – Universitat de Barcelona – Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – Ajuntament de Barcelona – Diputació de Barcelona – Generalitat de Catalunya – Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona (AMB) – Fundació “la Caixa” – Societat Econòmica Barcelonesa d’Amics del País (SEBAP)


RIS3CAT Fields

Education and knowledge generation system

Sustainable Development Goals


Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27
08005 Barcelona

Tel. +34 93 542 30 30

UE Identifier (PIC) 998205952

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