Agenda d’activitats

Activitats passades


Conferència CERCA 2022

10:00 h.
L’ICIQ acull la Conferència CERCA 2022 Científics de prestigi internacional com el Prof. Avelino Corma i directors dels centres CERCA participaran en la trobada anual per definir els projectes estratègics de recerca de Catalunya.

Acte de lliurament dels Premis Pioner 2022

12:00 h.
Els premis reconèixen aquells investigadors i investigadores d’un centre CERCA que acaben d’elaborar una tesi doctoral amb resultats clarament orientats al mercat.

Philanthropy for research and education in Catalunya: making it work

15:00 h.
A free of charge workshop from More Partnership, CASE and Institució CERCA. The need for effective fundraising in the higher education and scientific research sectors in Catalunya is more acute than ever. Universities and institutions increasingly need to expand and diversify their resources to deliver their missions. This means developing effective strategies to engage with their communities, identify and connect with potential donors, and build relationships that will secure long-term support. But where do you begin? How can you create a culture of philanthropy in your community? Which strategies should you prioritize for your organisation? How can you maximise results on a tight budget? More Partnership, one of Europe’s leading higher education and research philanthropy consultancies, is joining forces with the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), a global nonprofit association dedicated to supporting educational advancement professionals – to provide an afternoon of insight and exchange to discuss these questions and more. #advancement #fundraising #philanthropy #highered #research #education #europe We will explore the latest trends and opportunities in fundraising and advancement strategies for higher education and research in Catalunya.

Foro Transfiere 2023

09:00 h.
Fòrum Europeu per a la ciència, la tecnologia i la innovació. Principal encontre d’R+D del Sud d’Europa per compartir coneixement científic i tecnològic, promoure la innovació i connectar ciència i empresa.

The culture of impact in research institutions and universities

15:00 h.
The conference, co-organized by CERCA, AQuAS, and ACUP, aims to disseminate international experiences and lessons learned and inspire stakeholders in the Catalan research ecosystem to build an impact culture in the country.

CataloniaBio & HealthTech – Connection Day

CERCA estarà present a CataloniaBio & HealthTech el pròxim 7 de maig amb la conferència “Innovation Support at Karolinska Institutet”, a càrrec de Johan Weigelt, PhD – CEO del Karolinska Institutet Holding AB & Karolinska Institutet Innovations AB.