Pere Virgili Health Research Institute

Commitment to biomedical and health research

The Pere Virgili Health Research Institute (IISPV) aims to identify and promote the major research areas in the biomedical field in El Camp de Tarragona and Les Terres de l’Ebre, strengthening close ties between basic, translational and epidemiological and health service research.

The institute is modelled as a networking centre, which strives for efficiency in the use of resources and efficacy in results. The institute’s headquarters gathers together research conducted at the institutions it comprises (hospitals, universities and primary healthcare centres) and is a key structure for developing the integrated biomedical research model.

Its main lines of research focus on nutrition and metabolism, oncology and haematology, neuroscience and mental health, and health and the environment.






Medical and health sciences


Cardiovascular diseases, Environment, Haematology, Health, Mental health, Metabolism, Microbiology, Neurosciences, Nutrition, Obesity, Oncology, Pain, Toxicology

Board of Trustees/Executive Council

CS (Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII, Hospital de Tortosa Verge de la Cinta, Atenció Primària) – Grup SAGESSA (Hospital Universitari Sant Joan de Reus) – Grup Pere Mata – Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV)


ACER - Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca

RIS3CAT Fields

Education and knowledge generation system

Sustainable Development Goals


Av. universitat, 1 – 2a planta
Edifici d’R+D+I en Nutrició i Salut
43204 Reus (Tarragona)

Tel. +34 977 759 394

UE Identifier (PIC) 985772104

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