Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida

Lleida’s biomedical research teams, in both the health and university fields, come together

The Biomedical Research Institute of Lleida (IRB Lleida) is a research institute in which the University of Lleida (UdL), the Catalan Health Institute and the Generalitat de Catalunya take part. As a mixed organisation involving the university and the health system, IRB Lleida is committed to advancing biomedical research as a means of improving the health of the population and ensuring optimum healthcare for the sick. This task is facilities by synergies arising out of interaction between professionals from both institutions.

IRB Lleida comprises research groups from the UdL Faculty of Medicine, Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova, Hospital de Santa Maria and the Generalitat de Catalunya’s Ministry of Health in Lleida.

Its activities range from basic research to research in the primary and hospital healthcare field, as well as translational research in the biomedical field.






Medical and health sciences


Biological systems, Clinical medicine, Clinical pathologies, Experimental medicine, Neurosciences

Board of Trustees/Executive Council

Generalitat de Catalunya – Universitat de Lleida (UdL) – Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova


ACER - Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca
ISCIII - Institut Acreditat Carlos III

RIS3CAT Fields

Sustainable Development Goals


Avda Alcalde Rovira Roure, 80
25198 Lleida

Tel. +34 973 702 201

UE Identifier (PIC) 997817661

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