Hospital del Mar Research Institute

Two decades of biomedical and health research

The Hospital del Mar Research Institute (IMIM) is a public centre, part of the MAR Health Park, which for the last 20 years has conducted scientific research in the field of biomedicine and health sciences as well as training qualified researchers in these areas. The centre is associated with Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and since October 2006 it has been located in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB).

It comprises over 350 people, both contracted staff and collaborators, with a mix of researchers from the IMIM and clinical researchers from other MAR Health Park centres.

Its research is structured into five multidisciplinary programmes: cancer; epidemiology and public health; inflammatory and cardiovascular processes; biomedical IT and neuropsychopharmacology.






Medical and health sciences


Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Epidemiology, Inflammatory diseases, Neurosciences, Public health

Board of Trustees/Executive Council

Generalitat de Catalunya – Parc de Salut Mar – Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)


ACER - Associació Catalana d’Entitats de Recerca
ICREA - Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats
ISCIII - Institut Acreditat Carlos III

RIS3CAT Fields

Sustainable Development Goals


Edifici PRBB
Dr. Aiguader, 88
08003 Barcelona

Tel. +34 933 160 400

UE Identifier (PIC) 999585680

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