Plan to boost knowledge transfer and innovation in social sciences and humanities

The program to boost innovation in social sciences and humanities aims to promote the transfer of knowledge and innovation in the social sciences and humanities centres of the CERCA system (CED, CREI, IBEI, ICAC, ICP, ICRPC and IPHES).

Dr. Jessica Meijer, head of innovation and business development at LURIS, the transfer unit of Leiden University, collaborates with the institution CERCA to carry out the programme. It was launched in January 2024, and it is based in training and knowledge of good international practices.

A collection of videos explain the project through interviews with members of the centres, Jessica Leiden and CERCA staff.

Mobility programme with Uruguay (3/3)

Interview with Agustín Long, student on the programme

Mobility programme with Uruguay (2/3)

Interview with Roger Cabezas, head of projects at the CERCA Institute.

Mobility programme with Uruguay (1/3)

Interview with Llúis Rovira, director of the CERCA Institute

From microaggressions to harassment

In the research environment, women face a number of additional challenges simply because of their gender. This cannot be tolerated. Become aware – reflect – speak – act.

Bias in research staff recruitment

The aim of the video is to train male and female teachers on the assessment panels about recruitment bias. This often subconscious bias is particularly detrimental to women, leading them to perceive assessment as hostile.